Club ActivitiesNext Meeting

In person meeting resume in November

We are excited to announce that we will resume in-person meetings at Knox United Church for our next meeting (November 3, 7:30 pm)! We are now able to have 100% occupancy, so a registration list is no longer necessary (unlike what is mentioned in the strata data this month) However, please be reminded that masks and proof of double vaccination are required.

We will be checking at the door for proof of double vaccination so be prepared to bring you double vaccination document and a piece of photo ID.

Please note we will not be serving drinks nor food at the meeting. And we ask that you please not bring any food or drinks in with you.

We just want to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible.

Doors will be open by 7:30 so please come earlier rather than later and we can all catch up with each other before the meeting begins. Please consider renewing your membership if you do come so we can continue as a club, membership rates have remained the same as before.

For anyone who can’t attend in person, the meeting will be streamed live over the internet. A link will be posted closer to the meeting date. As this is our first time trying this, there may be some glitches, but bear with us. If we can’t fix them on the fly, we’ll try to get them resolved in time for a December meeting.

Our speaker this month will be Magdalena Therrien, a long-time club-member and current occupant of the important Board of Directors position of club secretary. Magdalena will be talking about the history of women in nuclear science and the challenges they faced.

It sounds like there are many new rules but we are sure once we can all get back together we will have a wonderful time at the hall.