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Gem & Mineral Club of Scarborough cancellations due to COVID-19 outbreak

All club meetings and classes are cancelled until at least Sept. 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this year’s Wonders Of The Earth show is cancelled.

Notice to all members of the Gem & Mineral Club of Scarborough: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the club has had to make some tough decisions. Although the risk of becoming infected is small, and the risk of having serious complications even smaller, the Board of Directors feels that we should be following the example that most other close quarters public gatherings are following. To that end, we have cancelled all general meetings until at least September 2020.  Any classes that had been scheduled for have been postponed. We hope to offer the classes again once the threat of infection has sufficiently diminished. Anyone who has pre-paid will either get credit with the club or a refund if you can’t attend the make-up date. In addition, the board has made the decision to cancel this year’s Wonders Of The Earth show. Thank you for your understanding.  Take care, and we look forward to seeing you all again once social distancing is no longer necessary.
Kevin Kidd, President & Treasurer, on behalf of the entire GMCS Board of Directors